A round-up of events and workshops. Get in touch to list your event.

CSA Masterclass – engaging & maintaining members & marketing your csa

online webinar, weds 12 March 10:00 – 12:00

Charlotte Barry, from Camel Valley CSA, and Adele Jarrett-Kerr, from Soul Farm, in Falmouth, are among the contributors to this Community Supported Agriculture Network event. Open to non-members. More info and booking here.

how to finish 100% Pasture-fed Cattle successfully

treway farm, st austell: thurs 13 march 13:00 – 16:30

Techniques and strategies to ensure your cattle are thriving on pasture. Step by step guidance, insights and tips from multi award winning farmers Will and Kate Martin and an opportunity to get hands on with assessing condition and seeing how this translates in the hanging room. Participants will learn how to select an animal for premium carcass. Includes a lunch of Treway’s 100% pasture-fed beef.

Book at How To Finish 100% Pasture-Fed Cattle Successfully | Eventbrite

beetles, butchery and ‘bye’…

higher Keigwin farm, st just: tues 18 march 09:30 – 15:30

Sally-Ann Spence will take participants on a deep dive into Higher Keigwin’s farm ecology and examine how it can work for us: what are dung beetles & what do they do for us? We don’t generally think of what happens to the dung in our fields or if our native dung beetle populations are thriving. But what if we lost these insects and the ecosystem functions they perform? There will also be an opportunity to look at the butchery at Higher Keigwin, touring the farm and to connect with likeminded food producers.

Enjoy a hearty lunch of soup and Heigher Keigwin minced beef burgers around the fire in this final workshop in the Pasture and Profit in Protected Landscapes series rom Pasture for Life.

Free. Book at Beetles, butchery and bye -Dung beetles and a healthy livestock system | Eventbrite

food & nature community conversation

st gluvias community hall, penryn: sat 22 march 14:00 – 16:00

Join Loveland and the University of Exeter for a Food and Nature Community Conversation. Organised by Falmouth Food Co-op, as part of the Loveland Bridging Communities project in partnership with the University of Exeter. There are 3 parts to the day – you can join one or all of them:

If you are interested in learning how to run these conversations in your community, join the facilitators’ training workshop from 11am.

Bring and share lunch at 1pm.

And / or join the community conversation from 2pm to 4pm. Please select from the 3 options!

Free. Food and Nature Community Conversation | Eventbrite


chacewater village hall tr4 8pz: sat 17 may 2025 11:00 – 17:00

The 7th annual free event from Chacewater Community Energy Group.

Chacewater Nature Recovery, Green Energy & Local Food Show | Eventbrite