We’d like to extend grateful thanks to the 100+ people involved in and working with commercial and community local food enterprises who took part in our second Cornwall Good Food Summit this week.
It was such a productive and stimulating event.
Thinkers and instigators from Cornwall’s sustainable food initiatives got together with voluntary organisations, health workers, chefs, educators and legislators to listen, discuss, network and collaborate in the inspiring surroundings at Nancarrow Farm near Truro.
It was a wonderful opportunity for us all to scrutinise Sustainable Food Cornwall’s four Charter goals: promoting and practising good food for health, economy, planet, and culture.
Together these form our joint strategy for creating a better, fairer food system for everyone in Cornwall.
Additional thanks to our generous sponsors Cornwall Council Public Health and Great Cornish Food. Also to our hosts at Nancarrow who embody such a regenerative and farm-to-fork ethos.
We’re already planning the next #CornwallGoodFoodSummit in 2025. Meanwhile we continue to take action and the wider conversations continue.
You can catch up on more details about all the topics and speakers at the Summit on our News page.