Our directors
Charlotte Barry
Charlotte is a co-founder of Camel Community Supported Agriculture (Camel CSA) in Wadebridge and a board member of CSA Network UK.
She is a volunteer for the National Trust in the garden at Trerice, for Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s open garden scheme, and for the RSPB’s chough surveying team.
For many years Charlotte kept and bred free-range poultry. She spent her entire career as a journalist and journalism trainer working in print, broadcasting and online.
Matthew Thomson
Previously chief exec at Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen Cornwall and Cornwall Food Foundation, Matthew has worked in social enterprise for most of his career, as well as in mainstream business, and now works for a variety of clients.
A chartered waste manager as well as a food activist with a hospitality background, he has been working with food systems for over 15 years including commercial food service, food skills capacity building and community development with food and compost.
He was a co-founding member of the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Nature Partnership, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Leadership Board and Cornwall Food Access Alliance, and is on the boards of Regenerative Food and Farming CIC, food rescue charity the Hive Cornwall, and Pendennis Leisure CIO.
Peter Lefort
Peter is an environmental network facilitator, currently running the Green Futures Network at the University of Exeter.
He has held previous roles with Cornwall Council, and the Eden Project, and as co-chair of the international Transition Network.
While running the Community Action Group Project in Oxfordshire, he co-founded a number of community food projects including Feeding the Gaps and the Oxford Food Surplus Cafe.
He is also involved in the annual Oxford Real Farming Conference.