Good food for one and all
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A good food system is our collective immune system. It insures us against ill-health and helps us heal when sick. It nurtures our land and waters, and strengthens our social bonds. It contributes to our cultural and economic identity and provides work with integrity, value and meaning.
Sustainable Food Cornwall is building a movement of businesses, public institutions, community groups and individuals to transform Cornwall’s food and drink system into one underpinned by values of people care, planet care and fairness.
This Charter sets out our goals. Sign up to support them, inspire others with your action at home and at work and be part of a new food system that actively creates health, fairness and a resilient future for us all.

support the movement for change
Sign up to our Charter as an individual and/or on behalf of your organisation to show you support our good food principles.

Food for the health of one and all
Good food is the foundation stone of human health. We will:
- Endeavour to ensure everyone knows about and can buy and/or produce good quality, healthy food where they live, work, play and learn
- Work with healthcare providers to put food and nutrition at the core of healthcare
- Support and encourage food providers, manufacturers, retailers and caterers to provide more healthy food

Thriving food & drink economy for one and all
We need to create a strong, prosperous and fair local food and drink economy. We will:
- Promote fair conditions and pay for food and drink workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs
- Encourage consumers, businesses, local councils, education and healthcare providers to buy locallyproduced food and drink and support local food and drink enterprises
- Work with planning policymakers and landowners to provide more land / premises for food production and community food schemes and to improve access to local food outlets

Safe planet for one and all
Our natural and managed environment is fundamental to our present and future. We will:
- Support food enterprises to produce food that is low or zerocarbon, prioritises animal welfare and regenerates our soils, seas, and biodiversity
- Encourage and promote initiatives to improve resource efficiency and reduce waste
- Work with local authorities, health, tourism, education and catering organisations to ensure procurement of climate and nature-positive food that can be accessed by all

A good food culture for one and all
Food is the root of our culture. We can make better food choices if we understand more about our food and where it comes from. This helps us build stronger, more cohesive and resilient communities and contributes to our mental and physical wellbeing. We will:
- Create a good food culture in Cornwall that provides opportunities to learn about healthy, local, ethical and seasonal food, including skills in its growing / production and preparation
- Foster community resilience by increasing access to shared spaces to grow, cook, learn about and share food
- Bring buying and enjoying local food into our workplaces and community spaces, using food hubs and collectives
- Help reinforce the connection between land, sea, food and people and promote ways of keeping our food system safe and resilient for one and all

Things we can do to activate this Charter
All of us:
get good food on the table
- Choose local and seasonal produce when we shop
- Produce some of our own food at home, on an allotment or in a community space
- Cook meals from scratch using fresh, local, sustainably-produced ingredients
- Avoid food waste by changing buying habits and portion sizes and reusing leftovers
- Compost food waste and recycle packaging
- Choose food that comes from a responsible source
- Offer gifts of local food, vouchers or box deliveries instead of imported processed goods
- Ask neighbours if they would like to set up a food-buying club from a local provider
- Buy a subscription to a local food box
- Support food banks and find out how we can help address food poverty in our area
Growers and producers:
- Connect with other food and drink businesses and initiatives to develop trust and share tools, skills and expertise
- Bring social and environmental objectives into the centre of your purpose and operations and share what you’re doing
write this Charter into your policies
- Include sustainable, local and responsibly-sourced food in procurement, waste and environmental policies
- Provide opportunities to grow food at work and within the community, through volunteering days and outreach
- Offer more local and healthy food and drinks in canteens, vending machines and when hosting events and meetings
- Develop a relationship with a local food provider so you can work together on good food in your area
Join our movement
Everyone can be part of the movement to transform Cornwall’s food system for the better: it’s free to join and all are welcome.
Sign up to our Food Charter as an individual and/or on behalf of your organisation to confirm your support.
Get involved
Find out more about our partnership and how you can get involved here.
support the movement for change
Sign up to our Charter as an individual and/or on behalf of your organisation to show you support our good food principles.